Tuesday, August 10, 2010

An Amazing Meal

On Sunday, my agency was on the verge of winning the Wendy's account and I thought, "What better way to send good vibes out to Dave Thomas up in heaven than to take the whole family out for a good meal." 

The rain was unstoppable and our 3-year old twins were on the verge of falling asleep on empty stomachs. Eating in at the restaurant was not an option 'cause of the storm, so my wife suggested we order drive-thru and just park and eat. So we did.

We ordered and parked under a Royal Poinciana tree in full bloom. 

The rain splattered our windshield with bright red flowers from the tree. It was kinda cool. Eating Wendy's inside the minivan, rain falling faster than the sun was setting, the kids happy, eating and playing with their kids meal toys. Is there's a better way to have a Sunday family meal? All together. Inside a minivan. OK, so... not exactly a traditional, around-the-table dinner experience, but same thing, really. 

To cap off the surreal, unusual but still awesome Sunday dinner, Lucas, our 5-year old, finishes his Cheeseburger kids meal, and says (unaided and umprompted), "Papi, that was an amazing meal."

And an amazing night that would be topped the very next day by even more amazing news: we won the Wendy's account.

Maybe Dave was listening. 

Gracias, Dave.

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