Thursday, February 11, 2010


So far, only Diego and Lucas have made appearances on this blog. That's just because Grace is much more refined and a little shier than her two brothers. She's also still getting the hang of this "talking" thing. But she's improving daily. In fact, just this morning as we were watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, she was having a deep, existentialist conversation with her twin brother Diego. It was all about self-identity, assertiveness and, er, little green fairies. It went something like this...

Diego: Diego Mickey. Grace Minney.
Grace: No Diego.
Diego: Si.
Grace: No, Grace Pimpaba.
Diego: Pimpaba?
Grace: Si, pimpaba.
Diego: Diego Mickey.
Grace: Grace Pimpaba.

So there, settled.

She wasn't about to let Diego define her personality based on a cartoon character. She did it herself.

Oh, in case you don't speak 2-year old... PIMPABA = TINKERBELL.

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